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Coin Trim | Black, Green |
1st Special Forces Group “Presentation Grade” 2.5″ Special Edition.
This “Special Edition / Presentation Grade” Coin was made in collaboration with 1st SFG(A) Veterans Groups to make possibly the nicest 1st Group Coin ever made. It is a 2.5″ coin in two tone antique gold and silver with the FSSF Devil prominently displayed on the coin front over the 1st group Flash. All five (5) current BN logos are represented on the coin front, with coin edge showing SF SSI with Tab AND SF SSI with Ranger Tab. The coin reveres has major 3D rendered work showing most major badges: CIB, CFMB, CAB, MFFJM, JM, Combat Dive Supervisor and SOTC (I know not a badge, but we threw it in there too). These badges float around the original 1st Group coin. Reverse coin edge shows 1st Group Flash and Crest in major 3D.
Giving you even more choices, the coin comes with black trim around the edge or green. Your choice, choose in the drop down menu.
Coin Trim | Black, Green |